27 thoughts on “Weekly Open Thread: What Races Are You Interested In?”

  1. There is a special election in MA-05 to fill Democrat Marty Meehan’s old seat on October 16th.  The seat is pretty solidly Democratic(D+11), but I have a feeling the race is going to be a lot closer than expected.  Niki Tsongas, wife of the late Senator Paul Tsongas, is the Democrat running.  She is running against a Republican who national Republicans, including Rove, are heavily advising.  If this is even close, im talking within 10 points, then it shows that the Republican tactics are working in House races.

  2. why hasn’t there been a captain planet movie yet?  with today’s greater interest in environmentalism, it seems like it would be a perfect movie.  just with a more realistic plot.  furthermore al gore could have a cameo, as a bit part villian, or senate majority leader, something like that. 

  3. . . . are you the same Trent Thompson who served on the Student Government at the University of Michigan during the late 90’s/early 00’s?  If so, I’m proud to say that I voted for you!

    (As you can probably tell from my screen name, I was in the School of Music).

    1. then its over for the Democrats.  They might as well just hand John Boehner the gavel and declare Guiliani President.

  4. Steve Cohen was elected to Harold Ford’s district in Tennessee and is under attack.  Unfortunately the Religious Right has stirred up many in the Black Church in Memphis with blatantly false assertions that Cohen’s support of extending hate crime protections to the LGBT community would result in preachers being charged for preaching against the “sin” of homosexuality from the pulpit.  Complete lies of course, but it has given cover to Black preachers to oppose Cohen – because he is not black.

    I have as little use for racism coming from the black community as I do from anyone else.

    Nikki Turner is running against Steve Cohen in the Democratic primary.  She is doing nothing to challenge racist Ministers from proclaiming that the black community in Memphis cannot be properly represented by a white person.  The fact Cohen is Jewish probably plays a role in the tensions as well.

    Steve Cohen is a tremendous champion of civil rights and liberties for ALL Americans and it would be a shame to lose him because Memphis blacks were manipulated to believe Religious Right distortions so they can justify their ugly racism.  Cohen has done nothing that would in any way undercut the black community.  If you handed any member of the NAACP with the voting record of Steve Cohen without naming whose votes they were they would proclaim him a friend.

    I hope that the on line community will recognize Steve Cohen as the treasure he is and they stand with Steve Cohen as he faces his foe who strategically is looking the other way as racists attack Cohen.  Shame on Nikki Turner whose tolerance of racism in the black community is quite frankly appalling.

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